The Village of Rochester is committed to preserving and maintaining sites and structures which represent Rochester's history. Historic preservation sustains the unique character of the Village for future generations.
In 2001, a Historic Preservation Committee was established and appointed by the Village Board. This committee established a “Historic Preservation Overlay District.” The district consists of all homes on the north and south sides of Main Street, both east and west. At least sixteen of these homes were built before 1900.

For owners of homes and businesses in the HPO district:
Any changes to the exterior of homes or businesses in this district must first be approved by the Historic Preservation Committee. Please note: you may be subject to a fine if the work is done without first getting approval.
Property owners can request approval from the Committee by applying for a Certificate of Appropriateness. Please submit the completed application, attachments, and a $25 application fee via mail, drop box, or in person at the Village Hall.
After we have received your application materials, we will schedule a meeting to review your proposal with the Historic Preservation Committee. The Committee meets at 6:30 pm on the first Monday of the month, as needed.
If you have any questions about the process, please contact Village Administrator Chris Bennett at (262) 534-1185 or [email protected].
Village of Rochester Code of Ordinances, Chapter 38: “Historic Preservation”
Preserve Your Home and Properties, from the Wisconsin Historical Society
A Guide to Researching the History of a House, from