Request for Proposals: Planning Services

The Village of Rochester is seeking proposals from qualified planning individuals and consultant teams to prepare an update to select portions of “A Multi-Jurisdictional Comprehensive Plan for Racine County: 2035” which are specific to the Village of Rochester.   The existing plan from which sections are to be updated can be found at the following link: A Multi-Juriscitional Comprehensive Plan For Racine County: 2035  

Since the plans initial adoption in 2009, there have been three amendments to Appendix D, Map 7, “Recommended Land Use Plan for the Village of Rochester:  2035”, which can be found on page 544 of the Comprehensive Plan document.   The land use plan map needs to be updated to reflect these and any recommended changes that come out of the update process.

The desired outcome of this project is the creation of a Final Comprehensive Plan Amendment document which condenses and summarizes the most important and relevant Land Use Plan sections from the Racine County Comprehensive Plan into one easy to use document, specific to the Village of Rochester, that incorporates the plan update services requested in the full Request for Proposals.  

The full Request for Proposals can be viewed by following this link: 20190201 RFP for Planning Services

Proposals are due Friday, February 22, 2018 at noon.