Plan Commissioner Wanted

Due to a resignation, the Village Board is looking to appoint an alternate member to the Plan Commission! Serving on the Plan Commission is a great opportunity to get involved in your community! The Plan Commission advises the Village Board on community planning and land use utilizing established policies, procedures, and ordinances. The commission is responsible for involving the public in planning and decision-making and must comply with applicable rules related to open meetings, ethical conduct, etc.

The Plan Commission meets the fourth Wednesday of every month for approximately two hours, depending upon the number and complexity of tasks on its agenda. Anticipate one hour of preparation time for each hour of meeting time. Plan Commission terms last three years.

To apply, submit your completed Application for Appointment to the Village Administrator by mail, Village of Rochester, P.O. Box 65, Rochester, WI  53167; or by email to [email protected]

You can find additional information regarding serving on a Plan Commission by reviewing the Village of Rochester Plan Commission’s By-Laws and the Plan Commission Handbook published by the Center for Land Use Education, UW-Stevens Point.