Garbage & Recycling

ASDA Enterprises collects Village garbage and recycling on FRIDAYS. Place trash and recycling curbside by 6 a.m. to ensure pick up. Pick up will be delayed one day when a holiday (New Years Day, July 4th, or Christmas) falls on Friday.

Garbage Collection

Garbage collection is full service and includes the collection of trash and rubbish in standard garbage cans and trash bags under 40 gallons that weigh less than 60 pounds. Additional items taken at no charge include couches, furniture, tables, small auto parts, and one yard of carpet (cut in 6 foot lengths). For more information, visit ASDA Residential Garbage & Recycling Service or call ASDA at (262) 539-2086.

Recycling Collection

Please separate your recycling into 1) paper/cardboard and 2) glass/plastic/aluminum/tin. Using separate bins is preferred. If using one bin, please place glass/plastic/aluminum/tin on the bottom and paper/cardboard on the top.

Including all types of paper, magazines, cardboard, and pizza boxes. Please flatten all cardboard boxes.

Glass: Bottles and jars – all colors. No dishes, drinking glasses, window glass, etc.
Aluminum/tin/bi-metal: containers and cans
Plastic containers/bottles: #1, #2, #5
Please make sure all containers are clean and empty.

No plastic bags, toys, mailboxes, etc. Please put these items in the trash.

Special Item Pickup

Additional items collected curbside:

Used motor oil: Maximum 2 gallons per week. Must be in a sealed 1-gallon container with a screw-on cap.
Batteries: Car/truck/motorcycle/lawn mower/etc. Casing must be unbroken.
Tires: 1 tire per week, maximum of 12 per year per residence.

Appliances such as refrigerators, ovens, dishwashers, etc.: For these items, call ASDA for scheduling. DO NOT leave at roadside. All appliances and e-waste will be picked up by garage or house.

Televisions, e-waste, computers: Please call ASDA for charges.

For questions about garbage and recycling pickup, please call ASDA Enterprises at (262) 539-2086.

For information on additional outlets for recycling other materials in Wisconsin, visit Wisconsin Recycling Markets Directory

For more information on electronics recycling in Wisconsin, visit the DNR's webpage on E-Cycling.