The Plan Commission has all powers and duties as set forth in Wisconsin Statutes s. 62.23 and such other powers and duties as set forth in the Municipal Code and in state statutes. For more information about the commission and to view meeting minutes and agendas, visit the Meeting Portal.
Plan Commission meetings are generally scheduled for the 1st Wednesday of any month beginning at 6:30 p.m. Check the meeting schedule (below) for any variations. To be placed on any agenda, contact Zoning Administrator Matt Rademacher at or (262) 534-1183.
All meetings open to the public and held at the Rochester Village Hall, 300 W. Spring Street, Rochester, Wisconsin, unless otherwise stated.
Agendas are posted at least 24 hours in advance of any meeting on the Meeting Portal and on the front door of Village Hall, 300 W. Spring Street, Rochester.
2025 Meeting Dates
January 8
February 5
March 5
April 9
May 7
June 4
July 2
August 6
September 3
October 1
November 5
December 3
The Plan Commission is driven heavily by deadlines. If you want to be on the Plan Commission agenda please click here for a list of of filing and publications dates.
Resources and Training
Plan Commission Handbook, 2nd Edition (2012), from the Center for Land Use Education at UW Stevens Point
Role of the Plan Commission, webinar from the Center for Land Use Education at UW Stevens Point
Plan Commission Training, from the UW-Madison Division of Extension